
Saturday, July 18, 2020


Make Sentences (100% Common #HSLC 2021 #  HS 2nd year)

(তলত ব্যৱহৃত অসমীয়া অৰ্থবোৰ কেবল জানিবৰ বাবেহে, এইবোৰ পৰীক্ষাত নিলিখিবা ।)

1.By fits and starts(অনিয়মিতভাবে )- If you work by fits and starts you can not prosper (সফল/সমৃধ্য)

2.By no means(একেবাৰেই নহয়)- Assam is by no means a poor state.

3.For good (চিৰকাললৈ)- He left the country for good.

4.Bring up(লালনপালন কৰা )- The children were brought up with great care.

5.Set out(প্ৰস্তান কৰা)- My friend set out for America.

6.Deal in(ব্যৱসায় কৰা)- He deals in tea.

7.Hand over(হস্তান্তৰ কৰা)- He handed over the ball  to me.

8.Look for(সন্ধান কৰা)- He is looking for a job.

9.Give away(বিতৰণ কৰা)- The Headmaster gave away the prizes to the students.

10.Make out(বুজি পোৱা)- I cannot make out what you say.

11.In no time(শীঘ্রে)- You will return in no time.

12.Take over(কাঢ়ি লোৱা)- She will take over the job permanently . Or 

Take over(to accept a responsibility)-When he retired his son took over the business.

13.As well as(আৰু)- He as well as his friends has come.

14.Come round(আৰোগ্য হোৱা)- He was seriously ill, but he has now come round.

15.No sooner...than(লগে লগে)- No sooner had the teacher entered the class room than the boys stood up.

16.Fall out(বিবাদ কৰা)- Do not fall out with your friends.

17.Neither…nor(কোনোটোৱেই নহয়)- He can neither sing nor dance.

18. Run over(গাড়িৰ চেপাত পৰা)- The boy was run over by a motor car.

19.At times(মাজে মাজে)- At times he talks wisely.

20.As soon as(অতি হোনকালে))- We shall start as soon as the rain stops.

21.Pass away(মৃতু্ হোৱা)- The old man passed away last night.

22.Set up(স্থাপন কৰা)- The villagers set up a school in the village.

23.None but(নাই-কিন্তু)- None but Ramu has come.

24.In black and white(লিখিত ভাৱে)- Put your statement in black and white.

25.Get rid of(মুক্তি পোৱা)- He got rid of all his evil friends.

26.Turn up(ঘটা)-Please wait and see what turns up next.

27.Stand by(সমৰ্থণ কৰা)- All the sons stood by their father.

28.Break out(হঠাৎ আৰ্বিভাৱ হোৱা)- Cholera broke out in the village in an epidemic form.

29.Take down(লিখা)- Please take down what I am saying.

30.Look into(তদন্ত কৰা)- I hope you will look into the matter.

31.Look after(যত্ন লোৱা)- She had looked after to her old parents.

32.At a loss(Confused)- He was at a loss to decide what to do.

33.So far as(যতদূৰ) - So far as I know, he came to the meeting.

34.Keep back(গোপনীয়তা ৰক্ষা কৰা)- The woman failed to keep back her tears/sorrow.

35.Take to one’s bed( শয্যাগ্রহণ কৰা) - The old man fell ill and take to his bed.

36.On account of(বাবে/কাৰণে)- The school remained closed on account of floods.

37.Look down upon(ঘৃণা কৰা)- Do not look down upon the poor.

38.Take heart(দৃঢ় আস্থা ৰাখা) - One should take heart in misfortune.

39.See off(বিদায় জনোৱা)-Many people came to see off their leader.

40.Get off(অবতৰণ কৰা)- Ladies should get off first./ Get off(যাত্রা কৰা)- I got off by the 2 pm train.

41.Run over(গাড়ীৰ চেপাত মৰা)- The blind man was run over by a car.

42.Call on(দেখা কৰা)- I shall call on you tomorrow again.

43.Makeup(ক্ষতিপূৰণ দিয়া)- He make up his lost.

44.Call in(মাতি পঠোৱা)- Please call in a doctor.

45.Turn down(প্রত্যাখান কৰা)-His proposal was turned down.

46.Send for(মাতি পঠিওৱা)- Send for a doctor immediately; the patient is serious.

47.Get through (সমাপ্তি*)- Hard work enabled him to get through the test.

48.Tell upon(বেয়া প্রভাব পেলাব)- If you work very hard, it may tell upon your health.

49. Turn up(উপস্থিত হোৱা)- The guests turn up in time.

50.Put up(উপস্থাপন কৰা)- They have put up a tent.

51.Break down(স্বাস্থ্যৰ অবনতি ঘটা)- His health broke down under pressure of work.

52.Sit for(পৰীক্ষা দিয়া)- I shall sit for the next examination.

53.Come about(ঘটা)- How did it come about this incident.

54..Give up(ত্যাগ কৰা)- Give up your bad habits.

55.Black sheep(চয়তান)- There are many  black sheep in every society.

56. nook and corner(চুকে-কোণে)- I searched every nook and corner for the missing book.

57.Of late(Recently/অলপতে)- Of late, Rajib has become an actor.

58.Null and void(বাতিল কৰা)- The Supreme Court declared the rule null and void.

59.By dint of(গুণত)- Pranjal stood first in the examination by dint of hard labour.

60.With flying colours(বিজয় ধ্বজা উৰৱাই)-The Indian cricket team return home with flying colour.

61.All in all(সৰ্বেসৰ্বা)- Julius Ceasar was all in all in Rome.

62.Call off(প্রত্যাহাৰ কৰা)- The strike was called off./The workers called off the strike.

63.AT LARGE(স্বাধীনভাবে/FREELY)- The culprit is still at large./The dacoits are still at large.

64.In order to(উদ্দেশ্যে)- He went to the market in order to buy some mangoes.

65.Now and then(মাজে-সময়ে)- The man comes to our house now and then.

66.At home in(দক্ষ)- He is at home in English.

67.On behalf of(পক্ষে/in support of)- I will come on behalf of my uncle.

68.In cold blood(ভাবি চিন্তি)- The king was killed in cold blood.

69.Heart and soul(মনে-প্রাণে)- Students should learn their lessons heart and soul.

70.Take off(যাত্রা কৰা)- The plane took off from Guwahati at 5 o’clock.

Take off(খুলি পেলোৱা)- Take off your shoes before enter the temple.

71All over with(over the whole area)- It was all over with him.

72.Bolt from the blue(বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত)-The news of his mother’s death came to him like a bolt from the blue.

73. Die in harness(কাৰ্য কৰি থকা অবস্থাত মৰা)- He died in harness.

74.Get into(fall in/পতিত হোৱা)- He got into trouble.

75.Head or tail(মাথামুণ্ড একো নুবুজা)-  I cannot understand head or tail of it.

76.Ins and outs(in details/সকোলোখিনি)- He knows the ins and outs of the attempt of theft.

77.Out of date(অতীতৰ/old fashion)- Nobody likes out of date fashions.

78.Look up(বিচাৰ কৰা)- Please look up the word in a dictionary.

79. On the contrary(আনহাতে)- He hates me, on the contrary I like him.

80.In spite of(সত্ত্বেও)- In spite of poverty he is honest.

81.Put off(স্থগিত কৰা)- The bus put off to let me get down.

Put off(খুলি পেলোৱা)- Put off your shirt.

82.In regard to(সম্পৰ্কে)- You have nothing to say in regard to our plan.

83.Turn down(Reject/প্রত্যাখান কৰা)- I turned down his proposal.

84.Put up with(সহ্য কৰা)- I cannot put up with such an insult.

85.Put out(নুমোৱা)- Put out the fire immediate.

জয়  আই  অসম

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